
Taxation plays a crucial role in a country’s economy. Taxes, tariffs, and fees help finance the population’s needs in education, health, roads, etc.

More specifically, we are here to help you minimize taxes while taking advantage of the social programs you are entitled to, whether in the short term or in the years to come.

Come see us and we will answer your questions on a host of tax issues, including:

  • Am I using and structuring my investment accounts optimally for tax purposes? (TFSAs, RRSPs, spouse’s RRSPs, RESPs, RDSPs, LIRAs, personal and non-registered personal accounts, and workers’ funds)
  • Can I split my personal income and my company’s income with my family members?
  • Can I defer taxes on my investments more adequately in the future?
  • Can I reduce taxes on my returns?
  • Am I taking advantage of the deductions, tax credits and social programs to which I am entitled?
  • Do I have the best balance between paying a salary and paying a dividend to my company?
  • Should I consider an estate freeze and/or the issuance of shares to my family members?