Mission, Vision, Values and Philosophy

Our mission

Accompany you objectively in your financial decisions. This accompaniment allows you to exercise your full freedom of choice.


To be the reference team for personal financial planning support to families across Canada.

Because planning is the basis of financial health, we want to accompany more families in this important process. It is our contention that more people deserve to do business with Hudon & Gauthier. We also want to improve the overall supply of financial services across Canada.

How to get there? By sharing knowledge with our peers about what we do best, and by learning from their experience. An important part of our work is also doing research on the best personal finance decisions, depending on the situation of each individual.

Our values

Family, to contribute, have fun.


At Hudon & Gauthier, we believe that every client deserves the best advice. We can provide these tips by:

  • Being attentive to their needs and goals;
  • Drafting and presenting them with a written financial plan;
  • Accompanying them at every stage of the creation of his financial plan;
  • Meeting their needs proactively;
  • Taking the protection of their personal information seriously;
  • Staying updated on the changes in the financial and legislative spheres.

We believe in the professional fulfillment of our team members. We encourage this fulfillment by:

  • Offering respectful and harmonious workplace;
  • Encouraging skill building;
  • Promoting exchanges and teamwork.

We believe in improving the society in which we live. We contribute by:

  • Supporting community causes, either financially or by giving of our time. We are committed to donating 0.5% of our annual revenues to the Gatineau social pediatric center, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping underprivileged children.

Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Gatineau